Zebra Tales
Allen '24

Senior Bucket List

I have seventeen major commitments in the next four days (Yes, Ms. Leggat, this is an exaggeration. No need to worry yet.). I need to spend twenty hours a week playing off-campus fall hockey on Wednesdays, Fridays, and weekends. And I’m starting to feel a bit under the weather. Ah, it’s good to be back at Groton.
But for how long? As I look out at the lush green Circle from the steps of St. John’s Chapel, the slowly setting sun cutting a fiery path through the darkening sky reminds me that my time at Groton is coming to an end. 

No more Saturday nights spent with my roommates and close friends, chatting and laughing into the early morning hours over some collectively bought DoorDash. No more arguing back and forth with my US teacher about big government and the 2024 election. No more listening to Mr. Maqubela rant about polar protic solvents (ethanol—read alcohol) and why we should never drink them. No more late nights and early mornings in the OB rink, poring over game film or shooting around on a deserted sheet of ice.

But it’s not quite over yet. There are still 249 days from now until Prize Day, 249 days that are gradually yet inevitably ticking by one at a time. In those 249 days, I want to accomplish a few more things before leaving the Circle. A bucket list, if you will.
  1. Jump into the Nash
  2. Win an ISL Hockey Championship
  3. Actually do a real senior prank
  4. Visit the top of St. John’s Chapel
  5. Win a game of HORSE against Eram
  6. Understand something Mr. Lamarre-Vincent says in Biochem class
  7. Beat Coach Riley in a push-up contest
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